

批判性思维. 领导. 团队建设. 网络. 社区服务.
的se are just some of the skills a fellowship with 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 offers. We partner with some of the world’s top pharmaceutical and health science organizations to prepare the next generation of leaders.

团契是一个双赢的局面. A 2022 analysis by Industry Pharmacists Organizations (IPhO) reported that fellowships represent a fruitful talent acquisition strategy for fellowship sponsors, 公司保留了62%的员工.

Whether you are onsite at 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 or working at a partnering company’s headquarters, you can gain a competitive advantage in the industry and launch a lucrative and fulfilling career with an ACPHS fellowship.


ACPHS is dedicated to building a robust fellowship program that will create a strong pipeline into industry. If you have any questions about our established fellowship programs or need assistance with the application process, 请联系 伯尼·泰瑞尔,奖学金主任.

这个为期两年的生物制造奖学金是与 教廷全球, FDA药品生产评估办公室(OPMA) 以及奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院. 

的 partnership of a global pharmaceutical company with a regulatory agency and an academic institution provides a rich and rewarding experience for the fellow. 除了, three partners build on their individual strengths and common objectives to create compelling projects over the two-year span.

的 fellowship is ideal for a PharmD and/or PhD holder who is interested in working in a dynamic environment with diverse cross-functional teams.

欲了解更多,请访问 教廷全球.

的 FDA药品生产评估办公室(OPMA) assures that quality pharmaceuticals are consistently manufactured over the product lifecycle. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 FDA药品生产评估办公室(OPMA).


  • 提交申请的日期将在新的搜索开始之前列出

This fellowship will provide real-world experience and exposure to various functional areas within a Medical Affairs Department, 包括培训, 医疗信息, 以及医疗通讯, 在阿森迪斯制药公司为期两年的美国医疗事务奖学金项目期间, 专注于罕见疾病内分泌学.

这个混合型职位位于新泽西州普林斯顿. 该职位要求每周至少在现场工作两天.

主要职责 & 职责:


  • Obtain a comprehensive training within our disease states and products and/or investigational agent
  • Develop scientific content for internal and external educational needs within Training and Medical Information, 包括现场资源和科学回应信.
  • 研究 and anchor scientific content and participate in their review through the Medical and Promotional Review Committee process.
  • 了解如何识别资源机会并评估供应商能力, 包括供应商选择, 预算计划和项目管理.
  • 体验并参与产品发布的准备工作,以实现商业战略.
  • Assist with onboarding and knowledge advancement activities for both field and internal Medical Affairs team members


  • Participate in planning and project pull-though for Training and other initiatives targeting Regional Medical Scientists (RMS/Medical Science Liaison -MSL) activities.
  • 评估医疗信息查询并撰写标准回复信.
  • 参加一次会议,参与展台覆盖,并审查响应指标.
  • 全面了解良好的出版策划流程, 同时在出版物的战术执行中获得知识, 包括与外部作者合作撰写摘要, 海报展示, 以及用于平台演示的幻灯片, 以及为期刊出版物准备论文.
  • Provide medical writing and editorial support for the scientific publication development process.
  • 制作一份自我导向的出版物或海报,并在专业会议上展示.
  • 描述从一开始临床试验设计的操作方面, 通过执行, 和收尾.


  • ACPE认证机构的药学博士学位.


  • Excellent oral and written communication skills, ethics, professionalism, and leadership qualities
  • 对科学有强烈的热情,对生物制药行业有兴趣
  • Excellent time management skills with the ability to observe schedules and meet assignment deadlines
  • 表现出积极的职业道德
  • 具备独立工作和协同工作的能力

的 Innovate in 药物警戒 Fellowship is a post‐graduate training program designed to train pharmacists in pharmacovigilance, 提供研究和实地用药安全学习机会. 该项目提供为期两年的奖学金. 

药物警戒培训的新途径, 它于2021年启动,是药剂师之间的合作, 学术界的安全科学家和数据科学家, 工业和美国食品和药物管理局(FDA). 的 fellowship distributes training activities over a two‐year period including 12 months at a life sciences company; four months at ACPHS; and eight months at the FDA.

设计以药剂师的核心知识为基础, fellowship emphasizes three main areas of intensive training and competency development:

  • 药物警戒
  • 药物安全
  • 数据科学

典型的活动包括安全监测和不良事件报告, 监测病人护理和用药系统的安全性和质量, 并对 FDA不良事件报告系统(FAERS)数据.

欲了解更多,请访问 BeiGene.

Crinetics Quality Assurance (QA) Fellowship provides two (2) years of comprehensive practical hands-on biopharmaceutical training and fosters an environment of learning within a fast-growing biopharmaceutical company.

同事与QA领导结对支持计划, 为各种临床试验和研究团队提供质量保证监督, 与各部门进行跨职能合作. 的 collaborative environment offers the fellow an enduring network and exposure to all aspects of the drug development process.


  • 支持并参与GxP活动
  • 开发跟踪关键绩效指标的工具, 创建KPI指标图表, 从记录和QA团队收集KPI数据.
  • Track status and progress of the Annual Audit Schedule ensuring that audit deliverables are completed in a timely manner.
  • 确保准确归档GxP审核记录, 调查报告, 相关的纠正和预防措施, 和偏差.  
  • Assist in GxP Inspection Readiness Activities including the tracking and scheduling of Story Board development and reviews.
  • 与QA团队一起确定供应商跟踪系统的改进, 认可供应商名单, 以及其他跟踪工具.
  • 协助文档控制与格式, 编制和检讨电子数据管理系统内的受控程序.
  • Work collaboratively with QA team to identify business processes and areas that require improvement and implement appropriate methods and tools to increase efficiencies.
  • 支持EDMS系统管理员对系统配置更改进行用户测试.


  • 意向书
  • 两(2)封推荐信(LOR),由每个推荐人直接通过电子邮件提交.
  • 简历(CV)
  • 非官方药学院成绩单
  • Any additional materials that the candidate feels would be useful to the interview committee may be submitted.


  • 提交申请的日期将在新的搜索开始之前列出.
  • 面试将在申请审查后以滚动方式进行. 我们强烈鼓励尽早提交申请. 所有面试都将以虚拟方式进行.

Are you interested in partnering with ACPHS to educate and train the next generation of leaders for sustainable industry growth?

ACPHS is seeking highly innovative sponsors at the forefront of research and technology across multiple therapeutic areas and technologies to work with fellows selected from a nationwide search based on their academic success, 有领导的动机和能力.  

We strive to provide dynamic opportunities and mentorship to talented PharmD and PhD graduates transitioning into the biopharmaceutical, 生命科学与生物技术空间. 

同伴的承诺, sponsor and ACPHS ensures success in making a meaningful difference in the industry and ultimately the lives of patients.


是什么让奥尔巴尼如此特别? 奥尔巴尼是纽约州的首府. 它位于市中心,也是绝佳的接入点. 在这里,你可以尽情享受历史遗迹, 自然美景和多样的食物选择:一个完美的并列的过去, 现在和将来.

从奥尔巴尼, 你可以欣赏美丽的山脉, 湖泊, 河流和小溪, 去往纽约市也很方便, 波士顿和蒙特利尔, 加拿大.

ACPHS is located along a medical corridor adjacent to regional health care pillars such as Albany Medical Center, St. 彼得的健康伙伴, 奥尔巴尼斯特拉顿退伍军人医疗中心和东北部一些最好的医疗机构.

你是否喜欢徒步旅行, 在乡村骑自行车, 或者在市中心看一场表演,享受一顿美味的晚餐, 奥尔巴尼真的拥有一切.

